Thursday, May 29, 2014

Noah's 12th Birthday Cake!

This is Noah's 12th Birthday Cake and he loved it!  So happy he was happy with it all.  IT was absolutely fun to make and even more so unique learning to make everything so even and straight edged!  I had a huge like for the different levels and heights of the cake.  It was all fun and games that day and everyone, even the birthday boy, had a blast!

Nicholas' Graduation Cake, Class of 2014.  He loves to read and so I thought what a good way to make a cake!  Got some ideas off of Google and it turned out great!
A lot has happened in the past year to year and a half.  I have not been able to make cakes much until now.  In March of 2013 my house burnt down and I lost all my awesome cake supplies :(  So I had to start over... Which made me lose motivation and even hope to some degree that I would ever get back to where I was.  I was hoping to expand my caking life and well it just did not turn out that way at all.  Then in June my husband started having really bad back issues and it required some serious surgery that took place in August of 2013.  He got a really bad staph infection in it and simply could not recover from it.  He passed away in November of 2013.  So. 2013 was probably the worst year of my life.  I am not saying it can't get any worse but I am saying I think it would be hard to top all these tragedies ever again.  Only God knows though, right.

So, I started with a cake for Seraphina. My now 8 year old daughter.  I made it simple and girlie but nothing like her Monster High Cake the year before.  Since then I have made Noah's Cardinal cake and a Graduation cake for my nephew Nicholas.  Next up on my plate is a cake for a surprise party, which I won't mention any names as of yet and a little boys birthday cake sometime there after.

I am rising from my ashes and trying to enjoy what talent I have and have fun.  Nothing last forever but I can't wait to do more.  I am keeping on.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I was looking for some new recipes since I don't make my cakes from scratch.  So I came across this site and it had tons of information on how to doctor a cake mix from the store.
I was suprised at how well it tasted and how moist it was for a more dense cake.
If I get time I will have to post it on here but I am just in the middle of making two more cakes.  
I just wanted to note how suprised I was at how good it was.  Anyway, enjoy and look at the cakes I have made so far :)

Monday, February 11, 2013

Seraphina's 7th Birthday Cake!
Monster High!
I even tried out a new cake recipe and it turned out great!
The colors faded a bit due to the light situation 
but it still looked cool and she loved it!
I hope one day I get the coolest mom award LOL!

Monday, January 28, 2013

This cake was made for a 3rd cousin of mine.  She was just turning 1 and
though she had a rough start in life it was a time to celebrate that she had come so far.
Her favorite blankie is zebra print and her mom always dresses her in 
print.  So what better way to celebrate her day with some pink and zebra print!
This was one of my better cakes and I seem to keep getting better!
I can't wait to do more!  We will see what this year is going to bring to us!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I guess I failed at getting the completed picture but here is a pokemon cake that I did for a friend.